Vetsan RTU
A ready to use virucide, biocide and deodoriser for all surfaces on farms and veterinary clinics, Ideal for on-farm use in sheds and animal housing such as calf pens.
Available in bulk ex Te Awamutu store
A ready to use virucide, biocide and deodoriser for all surfaces on farms and veterinary clinics, Ideal for on-farm use in sheds and animal housing such as calf pens.
Available in bulk ex Te Awamutu store
Vetsan RTU is a sanitiser based on the chemical, stabilised chlorine dioxide, which is a powerful oxidising agent having activity against almost all organic matter when converted into chlorine dioxide, the active agent. Additionally, chlorine dioxide as a free radical scavenger will combine with negatively charged odour molecules to prevent unpleasant smells.
Chlorine dioxide has virucidal and biocidal activity, in addition to killing algae and some fungi. It acts to disrupt the cell membrane of the micro-organism so any contact will be effective regardless of concentration or contact time. Breakdown products are non-toxic and not carcinogenic.
Vetsan is active against all the important pathenogenic micro-organisms that can cause calf scours;
E coli
Stabilised chlorine dioxide 100mg / litre, (sodium chlorite & sodium bicarbonate), sorbitan mono-oleate
Clean heavily contaminated surfaces with a water blaster to remove gross organic matter.
When animals are resident: Remove animals from pen, spray surfaces with a dilute 100ppm solution of Vetsan using a fine nozzle sprayer. Leave to dry for 30 mins.
Return animals. Repeat every 7 days or as often as necessary. Avoid spraying into or on to the faces of animals. Avoid inhaling spray mist, wear appropriate safety equipment.
Spray and leave Vetsan RTU at a level of 1 litre per 36 sq m with a fine mist or fog. Saturation of surfaces is not required. Spray as often as required, for best results repeat every 7 - 10 days as Vetsan has a residual activity of 7 - 14 days.
Store in a cool dry environment - away from strong acids. Keep out of reach of children. Reseal container when not in use. Always use a clean coloured container when mixing product.